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Category Archives: Randomness, things that don’t have any other home

Okay so I stole this off facebook but its too funny

You know you’re from Northern Kentucky when..

1. You measure distance in minutes.

2. Up north to you means Ohio.

3. You know lots of people who have hit a deer.

4. Your school classes were cancelled because of cold.

5. You’ve ever had to switch from “heat” to “A/C” in the same day.

6. You end your sentences with an unnecessary preposition.
Example:”Where’s my coat at?”

7. You think of the major four food groups as beef, pork, pop, and chili.

8. You carry jumper cables in your car.

9. You know what “cow tipping” or “opossum Kicking” is.

10. You only own 4 spices: salt, pepper, cinnamon, and ketchup.

11. Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.

12. You find 10 degrees F “a little chilly” and wear shorts, flip flops and t shirts until it gets below 50.

13. You know all 4 seasons: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Construction.

14. You know what Ale-8 is.

15. Your idea of a three-way is chili over spaghetti topped with shredded cheddar.

16. You’ve been to California, Florence, Verona, and Over-the-Rhine in one day

17. Indiana is about 20 miles away, but it takes about four hours to get there.

18. It’s too cold in the winter, and too hot and humid in the summer to ever stay outside for very long.

19. You have referred to someone as a cake eater or pig farmer.

20. You have heard people say they don’t like crossing the river and they were talking about the Licking not the Ohio.

21. Chocolate and cinnamon, not peppers and beans , are in your chili.

22. You can drive 30 minutes in any direction to hear a different accent than your own.

23. You can accurately judge people’s social status by which Kroger’s store they shop at more frequently.

24. You can go to any church festival in any neighborhood on any weekend and see at least five people you either work with, went to school with, or dated.

25. Any carbonated beverage is a “pop.”

26. You honestly believe that Pete Rose should be in the Baseball Hall of Fame.

27. You have more stadiums, coliseums, and arenas than you know what to do with.

28. You know/are at least one person who went to school with Shaun Alexander, David Justice, or George Clooney .

29. You know what a pony keg is.

30. You’ve ever bought a crave case for a carload of drunk people at 4 in the morning at White Castle.

31. An all-boys or all-girls school doesn’t seem that odd to you.

32. You know what cream ale is, and you think that cream soda should be bright red.

33. You think Ohio doesn’t have a test to get a drivers license.

34. You know that the Cincinnati airport isn’t even in OHIO! Also that the airport symbol (CVG) stands for Covington, KY!

35. There are many tri-state areas across this great nation of ours but the one that always sticks in your mind is Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana.

36. During a taste test you can tell the difference between the following chili’s: Skyline, Dixie, Empress, and Gold Star, and have almost been in a fistfight over which one is the best.

37. You go to “Cookouts” not “BBQ’s”.

38. Anytime anyone asks you where you graduated from, you answer (without hesitation) your high school, not your college.

39. You take a leisurely summer drive through a suburban neighborhood and you see 5 or more corn hole games being played!

40. You have had to take a different road because the one you were on was flooded.

41. You’ve been at a Waffle House and watched someone put ketchup on their scrambled eggs and hash browns.

42. You add an “s” to the end of grocery store names, such as Kroger(s), Meijer(s) & Wal*Mart(s).

43. You can buy milk or beer by driving your automobile through a drive-through pole-barn.

44. You refer to the animal shelter/dog pound as “the SPCA”, much to the bewilderment of individuals who have not lived in a city with this independent, non-government organization.

45. You believe La Rosa’s is fine Italian dining (WITH GREAT SPAGHETTI SAUCE) and carry a “Buddy Card”.

46. You know what brats, metts and goetta are.

47. You have considered decorating your house in a UK theme, and know that a buckeye is a useless nut.

48. A hoagy is a piece of cube steak with pizza sauce or mushroom sauce and cheese. Not a deli meat sandwich.

49. When you say please in an attempt to get a person to repeat what you say.

50. When asked where you’re from, you say Northern Kentucky, instead of just plain old Kentucky.

51. You can honestly say that Rodger Bingham lives only a half hour away from you at most.

52. Only when you’re from there can you CORRECTLY pronounce Crittenden and Corinth.

53. When you tell people you’re from Kentucky, and they don’t believe you due to your lack of an accent.

54. There are about 20 malls in a 20-mile radius.

55. You can drive 10 min. north and be downtown, or 10 min. south and be in farm country.

56. You have a water tower that actually says “Y’all” on it. If someone asks where you live and you say, “You know where that water tower is…” and chances are, they know.

57. You have million-dollar mansions less than a mile from acres of trailer parks.

58. When there’s a yard sale every weekend… Even when it’s cold.

59. You got overly excited about the chance to drive 70 mph on the highway.

60. You are able to use the term “Three Way” in a non sexual manner.